Pet Care & Updates
Protecting your Dog from Lyme disease

Protecting your Dog from Lyme disease

Did you know the infection known as Lyme disease has been around for a century but that it did not become well known to the public until the late 1980’s!? As media presence of the disease grew stronger, more concern about the effect it has on dogs (and their owners)...

Oral Health Care for Cats & Dogs

Oral Health Care for Cats & Dogs

Did you know that dogs and cats require oral health care & treatment just like you and me?!  Dogs and cats require proper oral health care to keep their teeth strong. It is recorded that 85% of pets will have periodontal disease by 3 years old. Although dental...

The Benefits of Sharing your Life with a Pet!

The Benefits of Sharing your Life with a Pet!

Sharing our life with a pet is truly a wonderful experience! Pets provide us with everlasting love, connection and enjoyment. There are so many benefits to sharing your home with a pet, and we wanted to explore some of the benefits with you! 1. Decrease stress in your...

Tips & Advice for Camping With Your Pet!

Tips & Advice for Camping With Your Pet!

We know your pet loves the outdoors just as much as you do. Now that camping season is upon us, there is a lot to consider when bringing your pet along with you! Before you pack up the trailer or tent, consider these quick tips to ensure a smooth camping trip! #1...

Understanding Spay And Neuter Procedures

Understanding Spay And Neuter Procedures

Are you thinking of adopting a pet soon? If that is the case, congratulations from all of us here at Simcoe Veterinary Hospital! Part of the responsibility of pet ownership is considering spaying/neutering your pet at the appropriate time. Simcoe Veterinary Hospital...